Monday, April 2, 2012

Advertising ...

Advertising is a big part of our life as Americans today. You can’t do anything without seeing hearing or even sometimes smelling advertisements in today’s society. I believe that is because are world is based on consuming. Sometimes advertisements can be on the humorous side and then there are those advertisements that are quit annoying. There are many reasons why people advertise things but I believe most of time there’s some type of profit for the company advertising. Companies usually have a particular audience there trying to sway when advertising. If the advertisement is not pernicious I believe it’s acceptable to distribute the advertisement to the world whether it is boring or not.

Advertisements that interest me typically are humorous. I recently heard a quote “If you can make someone laugh you can make them learn” – Brett Sweet. That’s true for me, I love laughing so when I see funny commercials or hear funny radio ads or see funny billboards I tend to remember. Commercials on television and radio geared toward advertisement if not funny can get rarely annoying to me. If there’s no spark or significance for me sometimes I can get inpatient especially when a commercial ad is interrupting a movie or TV show I was previously watching.

Advertisements can get overwhelming for instance when listen to Pandora or, when signed on to Facebook. When listening to music on my smart phone via Pandora I hate commercials. I don’t understand why people in satellite land think its okay to throw random advertisement in-between songs. I would much rather Pandora stations played music all day long. Another thing when I’m logged on to my Facebook I hate banners and people flooding my wall with their new music. I understand people’s reasons for advertising but I think there should be some places that are off limits. I think local rappers should ask people on facebook if it’s okay to post their music on their wall. If the rapper doesn’t get a response I think they should take that as a no. In a perfect world there would be a setting on Facebook for no soliciting. A setting on Pandora online radio where one could turn commercial advertisements off would be ideal also. Advertisements via social media networks get ignored by me.

Bright colors and faces play a big part in what interest me also when advertising. When I see billboards with bright colors I pay attention. I love the clothing store GAP new ads that people all over the Bay can see. I’ve seen GAP’S new ad a lot of places television, magazines, and even Bart stations! The bright colors on the cute clothes are very intriguing one can’t help but to pay attention. The ad makes me want to shop until I drop if my stipend check was larger I would.  Benevolent Ads are heartwarming I love the stop smoking ads and the “get off the couch stop sitting wasting your life away” commercials very inspiring!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the pictures you used in this blog. you found very good advertisement pictures and made a very good point about the brighter colors tend to play a big part. Great job
