Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reality TV and Baby Names

Reality TV has had a tremendous effect on society today people, even the names people are naming the infants have swayed from reality television. After reading an article that was published on masslive.com by the associated press, I was informed names that have been low on the radar for years have recently sky rocked to the top of social security list. According to the author Stephen Ohlemacher, the name Mason jumped No. 34 to No. 12. Stats say the last year the 19,396 boys where named Mason, an increase of practically 4,600. That’s a pretty high jump if you ask me. The famous reality TV personality Kourtney Kardashian named her son that back in 2009. That fact just makes me think how reality TV is taking over the way people thinks. It’s scary to me, you have to ask yourself, what if a reality TV personality named there child Gangster or Slut would those names be actable for normal citizens of the united states.
I would hate to think of what America would be like if people keep basing their life and lives on what they see others do on reality television. The name Mason is a wonderful name for a child, hey whatever floats your boat. But I’m looking at the bigger picture, because it’s the simple things life we forget. Violence Drug abuse Sex is already prompted abruptly on reality TV, so the fact that they already have a negative impact on society. I just pray celebrities don’t start naming their children rhetorical names because I’m sure society will just follow along.

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