Friday, July 20, 2012

Internship Eagerness

During my internship all the technical skills I’ve learned at Year Up will help me succeed. One particular technical skill would be, fixing and troubleshooting hardware problems. Another skill I’ve sharpened at YUBA, installing, uninstalling software. During my internship there are a lot of skills I want to keep developing during my internship, I want to continue challenging myself to learn new things by using my resources appropriately. During my internship I will continue working on my public speaking; I will attend toastmasters at on Tuesday at noon.
I have some anxieties about my internship because I don’t feel I’m that techy, I understand the tech information, during my class sessions. For example installing Virtual Machines on the computers I can do, following along with my instructor. But if I was to do so after the fact by myself I would have some difficulties. I don’t retain the techy info as much as I would like to. I understand practice makes perfect so I plan on continuing challenging myself and asking for help if I don’t understand something.
During my internship I plan on standing out by being myself, remaining positive, being my normal creative self. I will not be afraid to ask questions I think it’ll be behooving of me to do so. Networking is something I will continue doing during my internship. I’m going take a lot of initiative and think outside the box during my internship. I have a journal where I will write my personal goals during internship make sure I meet the goals I set for myself. Another important thing I will do during my internship is collaborate with people because I know two minds are better than one.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


1.       Avoid negativity
·         I choose Avoid negativity as my first success tip, because being negative is the quickest way to kill a good internship. In life people should stay positive being negative is not good for the world. In my internship it’ll be best for me to remain positive if I want to succeed and potentially get a job.
2.       Tackle all tasks with Enthusiasm and a positive attitude
·         I choose Tackle all tasks with Enthusiasm and a positive attitude as my second pick ,because I know if I go to every challenge with positive mind things will be better than going into situations negatively. Complaining will not get me anywhere in life. Working hard and with enthusiasm will prosper me in my internship.
3.       Set personal goals
·         I choose Set personal goals as my third choice, because recently I’ve been engaged in setting goals and it’s benefited my life extremely. In life people succeed passed off there priorities, so I think if set some personal goals and time frames that I have to reach during my internship it’ll prosper my career making my internship an delightful experience.

4.       Never shun a chance to learn more about the company/industry
·         I choose Never shun a chance to learn more about the company/industry as my fourth pick, because all experience is good experience. So learning more about the company I’m interning is a good think. Taking advantage to learn new things and step up to new challenges is going heighten my internship experience.

5.       Get as much exposure as possible
·         I choose get as much exposure as possible as my fifth because the more your expose yourself to new people the much more your network grows.  And the more your network grows for positive things, the better your internship experience will be.

6.       Take initiative
·         I choose take initiative as my number six pick because taking initiative in the right way will make me look good in the eyes of my potential boss and co-workers. Thinking outside the box and showing personality in a positive light will help me succeed during my internship.
7.       Find a mentor
·         I choose find a mentor as my seventh pick because finding a mentor is a good thing. Anybody who’s been in the company a while and shows good work ethic will be one to module and I plan on doing that.
8.       Have regular meetings with your supervisor
·         I choose Have regular meetings with your supervisor as my number eighth pick because I think regular checks in with my boss will help me extremely. Just checking in being available is important.

9.       Network Network Network
·         I choose network network network as my ninth pick because mingling and getting involved is important in life and will 9 times out of 10 its not what you know its who you know. Job offers and things will come up depending on who I knopw and who knows my skills.
10.   Leave with Tangible Accomplishments
·         I choose leave with tangible accomplishments as my tenth choice rewards and tangible experiences will heighten my intern experience and my resume in the further for my further jobs.
11.   Enjoy yourself
·         I choose enjoy yourself as my eleventh pick because enjoying yourself, is important in anything you do.  I don’t plan on being up tight I plan on taking advantage everything.

12.   Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions
I choose Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions as MY 12TH pick because I’m not afraid to ask questions. I think asking questions is equally important as a lot of things because I don’t want to do the wrong thing. I plan on using recourses before asking too many questions.

Monday, June 18, 2012


      The best job I’ve ever had would have to be Target; I worked at Target in Walnut Creek CA for a year in haft.
  • I worked on the Sales Floor in market as a PFresh employee. I stocked groceries whatever was low on the sales floor it was my duty to fill the shelf. Whether it strawberries or frozen TV dinners. A rack of food would drop ever hour on the hour in each cooler; there were four coolers (produce, meat, dairy and frozen). It was my job and my team mate’s job to make sure the food got pushed on the sales floor. I also had to weigh and ticket meats that were sold by pound, and push milk to the coolers on the floor. And I also was a backup cashier so every time check lanes got backed up witch was quite often, it behooved me to help.
  •   I enjoyed my regular customers some people would come in Target three times a week, this one man particular would come in every night his name was Larry, very nice gentlemen. I enjoyed the different challenges with helping the company meet sales every night had to offer. Helping guest find things in the store was extremely engaging and fun.
  • Because Target I’m very humble, I work well with others, I’m extremely positive. And I understand how to handle people with frustrations. I have a great outlook on life and I know how to use my resources before going to the boss. I have great work ethic.

  • I learned that were all just ordinary people, and sometimes everyone needs a little help.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Book

The Book "freakonomics" was a great book, although certain times in the book I felt like the author was being bios. The book overall is a good read, I was happy to get in the mind of other people, the author really did a fine job of getting different statistics together to prover his logic. If someone is interested in the way economics think I think they should read freakonomics. The chapters in the book sometimes ramble on on, the author went on a few rants. The chapter that was most interesting to me in freakonomics is most likely the last chapter, when Levitt discussed the history of baby name. He compared low income, middle class, white & black baby names. It was quite funny to me because I knew many people with a lot of the names that were in each category. I was amazed bow someone actually set down & analyzed baby names. Overall the book was a semi good read. I would suggest people to read it only if they don't mind book with a lot of different topics and the worlds look at the world.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reality TV and Baby Names

Reality TV has had a tremendous effect on society today people, even the names people are naming the infants have swayed from reality television. After reading an article that was published on by the associated press, I was informed names that have been low on the radar for years have recently sky rocked to the top of social security list. According to the author Stephen Ohlemacher, the name Mason jumped No. 34 to No. 12. Stats say the last year the 19,396 boys where named Mason, an increase of practically 4,600. That’s a pretty high jump if you ask me. The famous reality TV personality Kourtney Kardashian named her son that back in 2009. That fact just makes me think how reality TV is taking over the way people thinks. It’s scary to me, you have to ask yourself, what if a reality TV personality named there child Gangster or Slut would those names be actable for normal citizens of the united states.
I would hate to think of what America would be like if people keep basing their life and lives on what they see others do on reality television. The name Mason is a wonderful name for a child, hey whatever floats your boat. But I’m looking at the bigger picture, because it’s the simple things life we forget. Violence Drug abuse Sex is already prompted abruptly on reality TV, so the fact that they already have a negative impact on society. I just pray celebrities don’t start naming their children rhetorical names because I’m sure society will just follow along.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ghetto Sistas

            A stigma is another word for a negative stereotype linked with a standard of living. One stigma I can speak about is the theory that all African American women are “ghetto”. People define the ghetto as a poor section of a city occupied by a group of less fortunate people. The term 'ghetto' has been taken and labeled all over America as a characteristic of black women, implying that we all are obnoxious, very loud, have no class, always have attitude and the bare minimum of education.

            That stigma is so far from the truth. I’m an African American women and I don’t have any of those characteristics. I’m the complete opposite I am kind enrolled in college now my personality could easily be described as happy go lucky. I do know multiple women that could easily be labeled as ghetto in today’s society, but they’re of all ethnicities not just African American.

            In movies and on television nine times out of ten, black women are portrayed in a negative light. The reality show “Basketball Wives” that airs on VH1 is one particular show that gives us a bad reputation. The main six characters on the show are all of my descent, and all they do is argue and fight about trivial things. The violence on the show is nasty and disgraceful to women period. I can’t watch the show because I hate the storyline, how it depicts women crawls under my skin. I understand reality TV is based on hostility, because America feeds on drama. With me being the 20-year-old African American woman that I am I have to vow to myself never to make that stigma true. I’m going to continue practicing all my morals in hopes that I can be a role model to women period. 


In my "Business Comunacations" class I was asked to create a pledge for myself that will motivate me to do my very best here at Year Up Bay Area.

I Valencia Peete pledge to keep working hard here at Year Up Bay Area, so I can graduate and find a great job.
 -Do all my classwork & homework
 -Ask Questions
  -Eliminate distractions

I pledge to contine arriving to program on time.
-Getting a lot of rest
 -Perparing my belongs a head of time.
-Arrive early

I pledge to keep welcoming change.
-I will not shy away from something that will help me.
 -Acetpting Feedback 
-Applying my knowledge

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Town

         My name is Valencia Peete I'm a 20-year-old respectable young women. My unique upbringing has formed me into the young women I am today. Growing up in-between West and North Oakland Ca I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, and felt a lot of emotions that I believe has helped shape me into the young women I am today. My Neighborhood has always been colorful. I've never been secluded to just one race of people. People on the blocks I've lived on taught me a lot; because of the diversity in my neighborhoods I’ve always welcomed new faces. Although my neighborhood was multiracial, it seemed like everybody had always struggled with the same problems. Whether it was drug abused alcoholic parents, older siblings in and out of jail, and or lack of funds to pay livable wages. It seemed like people in my area always resulted to petty crimes to keep the bills paid. Growing up I can vividly remember drugs getting sold, and or local ‘Crack Heads’ trying sale my mom there stolen goods or offering my mom there cleaning services to feed there habit. Being a child, older people try to shelter you from the severity of the world, but somehow it creeps in anyway. Although I’ve seen a lot of gruesome things in my neighborhoods I have seen some positive as well.

 My mother has always worked one to two sometimes, three jobs at a time, to keep my sister and I happy. We may have not had an actual Christmas tree but my mother, always figured out how to make one. I remember my 10th Christmas we used our coat rack as a substation for a tree “It worked’. My great uncle owned a pool haul on 14th and Peralta in West Oakland in the daytime my cousins and I would go play games there, it was lots of fun. I attended Washington Elementary, as child after school was over my mother would still be work so; I went to the local recreational center/park all the time. “Bushrod Park” was lots of fun classmates and myself went on field trips with the park in the summer it was a great time.
Believing in the possibility of tomorrow being better than today has always kept me going. I thank God my mother never let her circumstances define her. Having someone positive to look up to no matter what the case may have been was great for my upbringing. Even if my mother did have a rough time getting things done, she would always land on her feet some kind of way with a smile on her face. Despite my quarter of the world and its downfalls I’ve never let it define me. I’m more aware of things now being a young adult, because of my neighborhoods as a child. I appreciate things because I know how it feels to go with out. And I also remember to be grateful no matter what because I could be way worse off. Actually I know there are people way worse off then I ever was all around the world. So I try to never complain. Now I live in an area labeled as a suburb in Antioch Ca. It is an upgrade from Oakland Ca but it has its struggles too. My next-door neighbor house was robbed just last week. Its alarming to know that, but crime is everywhere not just in the hood. No matter what I love being from Oakland Ca, even if people relate a lot of violence to my birth city. Oakland better know, as the town will forever be in my heart.

Monday, April 2, 2012


love love love


Advertising ...

Advertising is a big part of our life as Americans today. You can’t do anything without seeing hearing or even sometimes smelling advertisements in today’s society. I believe that is because are world is based on consuming. Sometimes advertisements can be on the humorous side and then there are those advertisements that are quit annoying. There are many reasons why people advertise things but I believe most of time there’s some type of profit for the company advertising. Companies usually have a particular audience there trying to sway when advertising. If the advertisement is not pernicious I believe it’s acceptable to distribute the advertisement to the world whether it is boring or not.

Advertisements that interest me typically are humorous. I recently heard a quote “If you can make someone laugh you can make them learn” – Brett Sweet. That’s true for me, I love laughing so when I see funny commercials or hear funny radio ads or see funny billboards I tend to remember. Commercials on television and radio geared toward advertisement if not funny can get rarely annoying to me. If there’s no spark or significance for me sometimes I can get inpatient especially when a commercial ad is interrupting a movie or TV show I was previously watching.

Advertisements can get overwhelming for instance when listen to Pandora or, when signed on to Facebook. When listening to music on my smart phone via Pandora I hate commercials. I don’t understand why people in satellite land think its okay to throw random advertisement in-between songs. I would much rather Pandora stations played music all day long. Another thing when I’m logged on to my Facebook I hate banners and people flooding my wall with their new music. I understand people’s reasons for advertising but I think there should be some places that are off limits. I think local rappers should ask people on facebook if it’s okay to post their music on their wall. If the rapper doesn’t get a response I think they should take that as a no. In a perfect world there would be a setting on Facebook for no soliciting. A setting on Pandora online radio where one could turn commercial advertisements off would be ideal also. Advertisements via social media networks get ignored by me.

Bright colors and faces play a big part in what interest me also when advertising. When I see billboards with bright colors I pay attention. I love the clothing store GAP new ads that people all over the Bay can see. I’ve seen GAP’S new ad a lot of places television, magazines, and even Bart stations! The bright colors on the cute clothes are very intriguing one can’t help but to pay attention. The ad makes me want to shop until I drop if my stipend check was larger I would.  Benevolent Ads are heartwarming I love the stop smoking ads and the “get off the couch stop sitting wasting your life away” commercials very inspiring!

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Blog

Hopefully my blog will allow me to express myself professionally. Recently I started a new chapter in my life at Year Up Bay Area. Year Up is starting to be a very bright chapter. What’s cooler than getting paid to go to school? Getting paid to learn that’s tremendous. Before this chapter in my life I was confused I was working 38 hours a week at Target getting some what of good salary for a nineteen year older. At target I felt stuck. I believe it was because I was so use to moving up after a year. Throughout school I would be in a grade for a year then I would progress to the next. In a job it’s not always like that it may take a couple years to move up. That fact was very new to me. Here at Year Up I’m very excited I look forward to the entire new task. I’m extremely grateful for the soft and hard skills Year Up offers; more so for the soft skills. Being able to express myself clearly is ideal for me. Because I think perception is everything in this world. So me being able to express myself would be tremendous. For me to succeed in this program I need to be determined. Determination will get you far in life. I’m not afraid to fail here at Year Up because I know there’s somebody here to help me get up.  I know you only fail when you don’t try!